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Electronic Mind Studios

ForumGeneral → Request: Rain tutorial
7 years ago - Alverik

Hi, I've been checking out your website and I noticed in one of your images you mentioned the rain is an effect (a shader as an image effect I assume). I think it would be really awesome if you could share how you did it :)

Anyway, that's just my two cents, lol.
Posted 7 years ago


Oh hi! I've seen your comments on my tutorials, thanks so much :). Sorry I hadn't seen your post as I didn't really expect anyone to ever post there again (it's been a while haha XD). It's been a while since I looked at the rain shader, can't really remember how I did it haha. Once I find/recreate it I'll see about making a tutorial though. Can't say for certain how long it'll take though since I'll be pretty busy for the next few months (having enough trouble just getting out the next version...), but I'll definitely try :).
Posted 7 years ago

Alright, I know devs have a life, lol. But, If you remember at least a bit about how you did it, in the mean time you could also give us a few pointers here or in the forums. Then we can play around with it and see what we get, heh.
Posted 7 years ago


Haha yeah that's fair XD. If I remade it now I think it'd probably be two parts, an image effect for the rain streaks and another shader for objects with rain ripples.

For the second one I'd use a normal mapped 3D perlin noise layer that's animated on the Z axis quickly (so the droplets change), and if that didn't look good enough maybe add a Math/Add effect animated with time and a Math/Sin effect, which should make it look like the noise ripples outwards (hopefully); finally to sell it as reflective I'd just boost the specularity.

To make it even more realistic I could make a Mask using another set of larger perlin noise, and mask both the specularity and droplets to create areas of puddle and areas of more dryness.

As for the image effect I can't remember currently, it might have been done some other way actually - I'll look into it. Hope this helps a little, I'll probably have something a bit more conclusive soon though :)
Posted 7 years ago


Also now that I think about it, I should probably add an option for replies to be sent as an email notification or something so users know when there's one...
Posted 7 years ago
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