
Hologram Tutorial + New Stuff Soon!Apr
Shader Sandwich Tutorials + a vlog!Shader Sandwich V1.3! + Updates and Excuses
So Sorry!!Nov
Shader Sandwich V1.2!Oct
The Wolf's Lens Breakdown Video + SS Tutorials + Charlie's Rainy Day!The Wolf's Lens + UpdatesSep
New Shaders, New Checklist, New SS Update, and a New Lens!Picking up the slack.Aug
Shader Sandwich V1.1 almost done!Don't Ask...The Future!Jul
Shader Sandwich - Released!New Screenshots from Charlie's Rainy DayResubmitted!Hologram ShaderHoly Sh*t It's Done!May
New Homepage and Unity issuesUpdated HousesApr
Shader Sandwich almost done!Feb
Double Story Home!Jan
Language WoesQuicky - A new house!Happy New Year!
Blender vs Unity vs Gamemaker!Site Update!Cosmic ZephyrBlog CommentsMerry Christmas!Frosty Four DigitsAlmost there!Nov
Shader SandwichSep
A New Beginning!
Updated Houses
9 years ago - Sean Boettger (Spike1)
Hey everyone!

With Unity 5 comes the need for updated graphics, so I decided to update my house assets! I took a few rubbish screen shots from the webplayer, but for some reason AntiAliasing was turned off :(.

So basically, they now support GI, use PBR materials, have updated reflections maps and a bunch of other things :).

So, some of you might be going "Where is Shader Sandwich!!". Or not, since no one goes on this site XD. It is coming, I swear! I am literally writing the documentation now, the program itself has been done for a few days. I just, well, I suck at writing documentation and it's taking a lot longer than expected :(. I'm pretty sure it will be out within the next week or so.

I've also been working on a project which I'll talk about after Shader Sandwich, but I'm pretty pumped for it :).

Alright, I'm almost certainly going to post next week, so see you soon!

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Shader Sandwich almost done!
9 years ago - Sean Boettger (Spike1)
Hi everyone! I am so sorry for not posting for several months, I've just had a ton of things going on (school, SS, competitions, drama, etc) so I just haven't had the time. Well, in all honesty I probably did, I just didn't have much to show for it. Anyway, I'm hoping to post alot more regularly from now on, we'll see how long that lasts :D.

Anyway, I think I can say that Shader Sandwich is very close to completion. I know I've said that a bunch of times, but I mean it now. The main reason for the delay has been Unity 5. Unity 5 has a new shader compiler, a new lighting system and a whole bunch of under the hood tweaks that have made it hell for me to finish Shader Sandwich. I've literally rewritten 25% of the code thanks to it XD.

Anyway, I figure I should leave you all with something more than just some text, so here is an example tutorial of Shader Sandwich! I did it as a test, but hopefully it's interesting enough :).

Alright, I'll be back in a few days with some more information posted, I'm aiming to get SS out within the next two weeks, wish me luck!

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Double Story Home!
10 years ago - Sean Boettger (Spike1)
It's done! The house asset has been completed, and can be found on the Unity Asset Store Here:

Her's a few pics :)

Anyway, now it's back to work on Shader Sandwich, and I've got some really good ideas for it :). I now introduce, the new interface!

It's almost 3x as fast to use with a way easier learning curve. More updates on that will come in the next few days, stay tuned :)

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